45. Family Meeting Spring 2011 in Kehl


  • Posted on: 27 February 2011
  • By: Georg Dürr

The meeting, with families, took place from June 2 to 5, 2011 in Kehl on River Rhine. Theme: Fishery, River bed regulation and flood management

River bed regulation has led to great changes on river Rhine near Kehl over the last fourty years, to the disadvantage of nature and the landscape, but also of fishery. Professional fishery on river Rhine was abandoned after the last professional fisher died few years ago. The Fishery Association of Goldscheuer near Kehl endevours to maintain favourable condition for fish stock, or, to re-establish such conditions after flood protection installations have been put in place. Thereby, fishery sees itself in conflicting situations with the administration for water and flood management,  but also against business interests, such as shipping, excavation of river sands and agriculture, and against the interests of protection of nature groups.  We learnt about history, present and future of fishery on river Rhine during that weekend.

Thursday: Arrival, Introduction to the topic: The Rhine river bed regulation of Tulla and its effects

Friday: History of Goldscheuer, a village of fischers and gold washers,

Visit to Straßburg

Saturday: Fischery on river Rhine today ,

AGRECOL–Members meeting

Sunday: Presentations by AGRECOL-Inservice students,

Lunch, Departure

For further information and registration please contact AGRECOL.