Internship 2025 in Senegal

Internship with Agrecol-Afrique

Agrecol e.V. can arrange one internship in Senegal in 2025 and will provide support in the following areas:

  • Agrecol e.V. will cover the cost of the outward and return flights (economy class) between Europe and the host country in which the partner organisation operates.
  • At least one member of the association as well as former interns are available to prepare and answer questions before and during the overseas stay.
  • Before and after completing the internship, an invitation will be made and the costs for travel and accommodation will be covered for an Agrecol e.V. meeting (in Germany or a neighbouring country), where the interns will get to know our network and present their experiences abroad.

Agrecol e.V. is not in a position to cover any additional costs associated with the internship (e.g. visa, vaccinations, health insurance) beyond those listed above.

The partner organisations Agrecol–Afrique is prepared to accompany and supervise the trainee. It is expected that the student selected for the travel scholarship will agree on the further modalities for the internship with the host organisation.

For Agrecol e.V. (Germany), the intern will report regularly on his/her activities with posts on the Agrecol e.V. internship blog. In addition, a final report will be prepared and presented at an Agrecol meeting (preferably together with a photo presentation).

Information about the internship with Agrecol-Afrique in Senegal:

Agrecol–Afrique is an NGO that has been carrying out projects to promote ecological agriculture in Senegal since 1996. The organisation is based in the city of Thiès. Agrecol–Afrique is committed to food security in Senegal and West Africa. Agrecol-Afrique’s activities consist of developing knowledge and experiences about ecological agriculture, while promoting the values and practices of the Solidarity Economy. To achieve its goals, Agrecol-Afrique is currently implementing several programs and projects such as supporting organic production and sustainable economy initiatives or the development of a knowledge center for organic agriculture in West Africa. Agrecol–Afrique is a supporting member of a national association for the promotion of organic agriculture (FENAB: Fédération Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique) founded in 2009.

Information about the internship with Agrecol-Afrique in Senegal:

For the year 2025, Agrecol–Afrique has the interest and need to have an intern in the field of communication and support in the organization of networks (e.g. redynamization of the AGRECOL website and the West Africa Organic Network (WAfrONet), social media, knowledge capitalization).

The  subject areas, tasks and location of the trainee will be specified by Agrecol–Afrique according to the requirements of the respective project and the needs of the intern. The detailed preparation of the content of the internship will be coordinated with Agrecol–Afrique.

Further information on Agrecol-Afrique can be found on the website:

Required profile for the internship:

The internship holder should:

  • be studying at a university or college of applied sciences in a German-speaking country (non-German students can also apply);
  • have basic knowledge of (ecological) agriculture;
  • enjoy knowledge management and communication;
  • show interest and empathy for working with small-scale farmers in different sociocultural contexts;
  • be a dynamic, open and committed personality;
  • bring a high degree of autonomy and self-organisation skills;
  • have good language skills in French for communication at the working level (an interview with Agrecol–Afrique will be conducted via Skype as part of the selection process);
  • bring along a notebook which can be used at work;
  • be not older than 30 years.

Period of the internship:

The internship should start, after consultation with the host organisation, from september 2025 or a later date and should last at least six months but can be extended up to 12 months after agreement.

General application information:

The application, consisting of a convincing letter of motivation in German and French, details about the desired period of internship and a curriculum vitae in German and French, should be sent by e-mail as one pdf file to: (Lynn Julen).

The deadline for applications is 9th march 2025

Applicants will be notified at latest by 23rd march 2025.