Guide: Local marketing for organic products in developing countries

2nd edition available now in english, spanish and french languages

guide_thumbThis publication is one of the results of the OARD-project. You can download it from this website and you may freely use and distribute it according to the Creative Commons License.

Based on the feedback we received, we have revised and improved the first edition of the handbook.

We are also very happy to be able to provide the handbook now in french language.

We consider the handbook as work in progress. There is an interactive website dedicated to improving the handbook. You can make comments and suggestions. Also, exchange and discussions on the improvement can take place. 

As many organisation do not have high bandwidth internet connections, we offer the guidelines in three different versions, with different graphic quality and file size. The content of the manual is identical.(Better for printing)

English version of the guide (2nd edition)

Local marketing of organic products in developing countries, 2nd edition

Spanish version of the guide (2nd edition)

Currently, only a rather large file-size version is available due to a technical problem. A lighter version will follow soon.

Guia Comercialización local de productos orgánicos en países en vías de desarrollo, segunda edition revisada

French version of the guide (2nd edition)

Currently, only a rather large file-size version is available due to a technical problem. A lighter version will follow soon.

Commercialisation locale des produits biologiques dans les pays en voie de développement, deuxième version, revisée en 2010


In case, you have no possibility at all to download the manual, please contact us, we can surely find a solution.