61. Open-Space – a broad based Agrecol information session


  • Posted on: 18 January 2019
  • By: Georg Dürr

Family weekend during the holiday around ascension day from May 30, to June 2, 2019: an „Open-Space“  session – we shall talk about various themes to be proposed by participants, somehow like a large AGRECOL-Information round. Possible themes may be the evaluation of experiences of the AGRECOL autumn meeting about agroecology in arid areas in Senegal; an eventual restructuring of the internship program in Bolivia and Senegal, or OpenSourceSeed.

The meeting shall take place in the youth hostel in Göttingen, Habichtsweg 3, 37075 Göttingen. This is close to Göttingen Forest, which has been managed for over eighty years following a concept of ecological forest care and use. Also to be reached on foot is the historical botanical garden (founded in 1736). For both, guided tours can be organized. For children and youths (and adults), there is an opportunity for a half-day program to see ecological bee keeping and honey harvesting in Fürstenhagen,  (30 km from Göttingen).

If someone would like to propose a theme for the open spacee – either a topic oneself prepares, or a topic one would like to know more about (e.g. the history of AGRECOL for new members?) then please send proposals to info@agrecol.de.