Agrecol networking points in Senegal and Bolivia
Two networking points emerged from the decentralisation of the Agrecol Documentation Centre in Langenbruck, Switzerland in the 1990s: Agrecol–Afrique in Senegal und Agrecol–Andes in Bolivia. They promote the ecologisation of small-scale farming in West Africa and in the Andes of South America. Their aim is to help farmers, agricultural advisors and researchers in farmer organisations, nongovernmental development organisations and government services to develop, test and disseminate agricultural concepts and methods that are adapted to local ecological conditions, make economic sense, and are socially and culturally sound.
Both Agrecol–Afrique and Agrecol–Andes are independent organisations.
Agrecol–Afrique is a nongovernmental organisation (NGO) that has been implementing projects to promote agroecological and organic farming in Senegal since 1996. It is based in the town of Thiès. Agrecol–Afrique works towards food security in Senegal and more widely in West Africa. With the involvement of various actors in agricultural and rural development, Agrecol-Afrique staff members provide information, training and advice on agroecological and organic farming. Agrecol–Afrique is a leading member of a national association founded in 2009 to promote organic farming (FENAB – Fédération Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique). The NGO coordinates the work of the Prolinnova network in Senegal.
The Agrecol–Andes Foundation was set up in 2001. Its task was and still is to facilitate and document knowledge and experiences in agroecology and the use of participatory methods, as well as to create open platforms for fruitful exchange. This is done at local level with small-scale farmers in rural and peri-urban areas as well as in national and international exchange with colleagues and partner organisations. The aim of Agrecol–Andes is to promote site-appropriate and sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Andean region of Bolivia. To this end, cultivation techniques and marketing strategies adapted through participatory processes are tested and disseminated. Agrecol–Andes is a member of the Prolinnova network in Bolivia.
You can find a detailed description of the two networking points here.
The independent NGO Agriculture Biologique et ses Services (AgriBioServices) was founded in 2019 and is based in Thiès, Senegal. Its aim is to promote the recognition and inclusion of local innovation by vulnerable groups as an entry point in the fight against food insecurity. It works closely with Agrecol–Afrique and the Prolinnova network. In collaboration with Agrecol–Afrique and other partners in Senegal, AgriBioServices founded CraBes (Centre des Ressources en Agriculture Biologique et Economie Sociale et Solidaire) in Thiès. It is also a leading partner in the Sahel Vert Centre for research and training in agroecology and organic farming.
CELEP: Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism
The Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP), an advocacy group of European organisations and experts that cooperate with organisations of and for pastoralists in Eastern Africa. Members and partners combine efforts to put pressure on their national governments and on European and Eastern African organisations to support postoralism and pastoralists in Eastern Africa. Pastoralism is agroecology in the drylands. Agrecol is a member of the core group of CELEP and is in charge of its website; contact person is Ann Waters-Bayer – waters-bayer [at] web [dot] de
International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP)
On 15 March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2026 the International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists. The proposal submitted by the Government of Mongolia stated that over half of the Earth’s land surface is rangeland: areas where the vegetation is made up of natural grasses and shrubs grazed by livestock and wildlife. The productivity and environmental health of rangelands are critical for the livelihoods and cultures of more than 500 million pastoralists – who, as their primary source of living, raise livestock in the rangelands. The IYRP aims to raise worldwide recognition of the great value of rangelands and pastoralists and to enable a better understanding of how these contribute to the economy, environment, society and culture.
As a member of CELEP (Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism), Agrecol has played an active role in the core group for the IYRP campaign that culminated in the UNGA declaration, and continues to contribute to planning and implementing IYRP activities in the years up to and during 2026. Contact person is Ann Waters-Bayer – waters-bayer [at] web [dot] de
GFAR: Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), an international multi-stakeholder platform that enables all those concerned with the future of agriculture and its role in development around the world to meet and discuss the most important issues. Agrecol is registered as a partner in GFAR as a non-governmental organisation in the field of agriculture, food and rural development; contact person is Lorenz Bachmann – l [dot] bachmann [at] gmx [dot] de
Prolinnova: Promoting local innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management
Promoting local innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management (Prolinnova); International network which promotes local innovation processes in agroecology and in the management of natural resources. It focuses on the recognition of the dynamics of indigenous knowledge and on strengthening the capacities of small-scale family farmers in adapting to change. Agrecol is the contact point in the Global North, contact person is Ann Waters-Bayer – waters-bayer [at] web [dot] de
UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Agrecol is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) accredited to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The convention was adopted in 1994 and since then has been advocating for arid and semi-arid regions, for the protection of vegetation in these regions, and for sustainable land use by the people living there. It addresses various topics such as agriculture and drought disasters, biodiversity, climate and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are various projects, among others to support the „Great Green Wall“ in the Sahel. This should stop the further advance of the Sahara desert. Every year, there are international meetings in different countries. As an accredited CSO, Agrecol can participate and elect representatives. Agrecol’s contact person is Lea Forster – legafo [at] gmx [dot] de