
Frühjahrstreffen 2012 in der Oberlausitz – Landwirtschaft & Naturschutz

Posted on: 1 February 2012 By: Thomas   Das Frühjahrstreffen 2012 findet vom 17. bis 20. Mai 2012 in Schmochtitz bei Bautzen in der Oberlausitz statt. Thema wird sein: Konflikt Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz am Beispiel der jüngsten Einwanderung von Wölfen in die Lausitz. Durch den verstärkten Naturschutz und den neuerlichen Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in …

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Frühjahrstreffen 2012 in der Oberlausitz – Landwirtschaft & Naturschutz

Posted on: 1 February 2012 By: Thomas   Das Frühjahrstreffen 2012 findet vom 17. bis 20. Mai 2012 in Schmochtitz bei Bautzen in der Oberlausitz statt. Thema wird sein: Konflikt Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz am Beispiel der jüngsten Einwanderung von Wölfen in die Lausitz. Durch den verstärkten Naturschutz und den neuerlichen Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in …

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Strengthening the efforts of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change

Posted on: 25 August 2013 By: Georg Dürr   Adaptation to climate change has become a major focus – almost a “buzzword“ – of agricultural research and development, and projects are introducing mitigation and adaptation techniques under the label of “climate-smart agriculture”. In this process, rural people’s own efforts to deal with climate change are …

Strengthening the efforts of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change Weiterlesen »

Strengthening the efforts of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change

Posted on: 25 August 2013 By: Georg Dürr   Adaptation to climate change has become a major focus – almost a “buzzword“ – of agricultural research and development, and projects are introducing mitigation and adaptation techniques under the label of “climate-smart agriculture”. In this process, rural people’s own efforts to deal with climate change are …

Strengthening the efforts of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change Weiterlesen »

Spring Meeting abount common forms of living at Schloß Tonndorf

Posted on: 15 January 2020 By: Georg Dürr Spring Meeting about common forms of living at Schloß Tonndorf. Due to Corona Virus, postponed to 13.5.2021 – 16.5.2021.   Detailled Information about the meeting will be posted here soon. Information about Schloss Tonndorf under:

34. Autumn 2005 Water and sustainable land use (in Weikersheim)

Posted on: 13 August 2015 By: admin2 Agrecol Wochenende vom 1. bis 3. 10. 2005 in Weikersheim Wasser und nachhaltige Landnutzung   Materialzusammenstellung für das Treffen Eine Zusammenstellung interessanter Dokumente und Internet-links, die Reinhild Schepers für das Treffen zusammengestellt hat, finden sie hier. (Acrobatdatei ca. 1 MB). WasserDokumentationAGRECOLWeikersheim.pdf   Zusammenstellung der Präsentationen des Treffens Eine …

34. Autumn 2005 Water and sustainable land use (in Weikersheim) Weiterlesen »

Urban Agriculture

Posted on: 8 December 2012 By: Georg Dürr   Agrecol-Letter Spring 2013 Göttingen, May 17, 2013   Dear Agrecol Community, dear friends, A few days ago, we came back from Berlin, where our spring-family meeting took place, with 60 participants, and two film makers, one of the largest family meeting alltogether. And our age-structure has …

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Agrecol Family Meeting Spring 2014: Limitations and Potentials of ecological viniculture on steep slopes

Posted on: 16 December 2013 By: Georg Dürr The Agrecol Family Meeting Spring 2014 took place in Traben-Trabach located at the middle section of river Mosel from May 25th to June 1st, 2014. The theme was „Limitations and Potentials of Ecological Viniculture on Steep Slopes“. Accommodation: Mittelmosel-Jugendherberge, Hirtenpfad 6, 56841 Traben-Trarbach.   Log in to …

Agrecol Family Meeting Spring 2014: Limitations and Potentials of ecological viniculture on steep slopes Weiterlesen »

Small Farmers Innovation, the example of the Eco Producers Association for Lentils („Alb-Laisa“) at the Swebian Alb

Posted on: 20 January 2015 By: Georg Dürr Agrecol-Family-Meeting  Thursday to – Sunday, Mai 14 to 17, 2015 At this meeting, we learnt, how a somewhat unconventional small farmer innovation induced dynamic changes at various levels: from the increased research by farmers and university on a field crop, which has not been grown in the …

Small Farmers Innovation, the example of the Eco Producers Association for Lentils („Alb-Laisa“) at the Swebian Alb Weiterlesen »

55th Meeting: Community Supported Agriculture

Posted on: 21 March 2016 By: Georg Dürr At the AGRECOL-Spring Meeting 2016, we shall learn about Community Supported Agriculture, in and around Freiburg. The meeting will take place from May 5th till May 8th, 2016. Log in to post comments

56th Meeting: Green Energy in Agriculture?

Posted on: 21 March 2016 By: Georg Dürr During the AGRCOL-Meeting in autumn 2016, we shall discuss about „Green Energy in Agriculture“. The date and place of the event have not been decided yet. Log in to post comments

Visit of AGRECOL Afrique in Senegal

Posted on: 17 February 2018 By: Georg Dürr In Autumn 2018, Agrecol e.V. and Agrecol–Afrique organized a joint meeting in Thiès, Senegal. We elaborated our common history (Agreco-Afrique is an offspring of Agrecol e.V.), strenghtend our mutual relationship and exchanged experiences regarding successes and challenges in promoting agro-ecological agriculture in drylands. Agrecol e.V. also got …

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Spring Meeting abount common forms of living at Schloß Tonndorf

Posted on: 15 January 2020 By: Georg Dürr Spring Meeting about common forms of living at Schloß Tonndorf. Due to Corona Virus, postponed to 13.5.2021 – 16.5.2021.   Detailled Information about the meeting will be posted here soon. Information about Schloss Tonndorf under: