40. Herbst 2008: ClimAdapt 20 Jahre Agrecol (Bonn)

ClimAdapt 20 Years Agrecol

This is the announcement page for the ClimAdapt Open Space. For the process and results documentation, please visit the ClimAdapt page.

Since the dawn of agriculture, people have adapted heir land-husbandry systems to changing environments. But now, with global warming, the environment is changing faster than ever before. Food security is jeopardised worldwide. According to latest projections, grain production in many tropical countries of Africa and Latin America will decrease significantly during the next 50 years. Many different types of adaptation will be needed, for example:

Rising temperatures demand greater heat tolerance in plants and animals; lower and less regular rainfall demands greater resilience in crop and animal husbandry systems.

Increasingly occurring natural disasters require new answers and concepts in rural development, food security and poverty alleviation. Rising targets and stricter regimes to control greenhouse gas emissions call for new ways of trade and communication in a globalised world.

What does this mean for us?

How can we – stakeholders in rural development – take up this challenge? Being agricultural or water engineers, sociologists, economists or the like, we come from different backgrounds and – as development practitioners, researchers, advisors or decision-makers in donor organisations – we are involved in a variety of working situations. But we have one thing in common: we are all exposed to climate change – not only privately but also within our work – and we are all searching for a better understanding of what is happening and what we can do, for instance:

  • How can and do farmers and land users in the tropics react to climate change?
  • How can local NGOs and donors in general respond in their support strategies to alleviate poverty and hunger in the face of climate change?
  • How can policies and regulatory frameworks at various levels foster adaptation processes towards more sustainability?

An OpenSpace to explore together

ClimAdapt will provide space to explore your questions, ideas and potential solutions. The exchange will spawn new ideas, encourage entry into new territory and trigger positive action – both individually and in joint initiatives of participants. OpenSpace has proven many times to be a successful approach to finding new paths. It is a form of con-ferencing that allows self-organising groups to address complex issues. It is an interactive dynamic process of exchange and joint searching for innovative solutions. People who care about the topic come together to share their expertise and creativity.

To find out more about Open Space, please see here.

How can you prepare yourself?

On 5 November, bring along your enthusiasm, your optimism, your curiosity in finding solutions, and your full commitment for two days.

You are not expected to prepare a presentation, but you are invited to suggest a topic of deep concern which you want to explore with others. Market space will be available to display work linked to climate change and adaptation in sustainable agriculture.